


GSO Planetview Filters 2″ – Full Set of 5 Filters

Original price was: ₹8,100.00.Current price is: ₹7,679.00. inc. Gst



Veteran astronomers are convinced that planetary observations are almost always dramatically improved by colour filters. Earth’s atmosphere is in constant fluctuation: turbulent air currents blur fine surface detail on solar system objects viewed through a telescope. Faint contrasting area blend together due to “irradiation” – a distortion of the boundaries between light and dark surfaces. Using planet view filters, the scattering of interfering wavelengths is enormously reduced. With filters the smeared, pale bands of Jupiter resolve into loops and festoons. Delicate markings appear on Saturn’s globe, and the Cassini ring division darkens and solidifies, Mar’s Polar caps stand out like tiny pearls, and the Lunar rills acquire greater depths and contrast. Bad seeing becomes acceptable; good “seeing” becomes superb. For Visual use simply thread these filters into the 2″ eyepiece barrel of any imported or Super Astro Eyepiece / Plossl Eyepiece.


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